William D. Wade
William D. Wade
This exhibit is a sample of several series that I have done.
I became a photographer at first to document my world and to become aware of people's lives, by simply meeting them and telling their story. At times it is like Gary Winogrand, saying “I photograph to see what things look like photographed.”
Art is meant to show us that there are deeper meanings and even though each of us will have different interpretations of the work, all of us enlightened by it. Being able to communicate and shine light on our experiences through art, is one of the highest of human endeavors.
As the saying goes, I wear more than one hat. One is as a
documentary photographer, having worked for newspapers and freelancing for magazines for many years. That is to communicate, as a mirror to the world. For many years this meant black-and-white photography, with more color coming out of the digital age, starting in 1996. Another hat is as an artist, working mainly with photography as a medium. Two of the bodies of work included here are:
“Art In Our Lives” is a documentary series explains the interaction of people and the artwork that they are experiencing. I search for the moment where real life and the life of the artwork reflect on each other.
“The Abstracts” are prints that are totally done camera-less and created digitally with shapes and colors. This work is influenced by Mark Rothko, James Turrell, Joseph Alber and Ellsworth Kelly, to name a few artists.
It Was A Home (For Two Brothers and A Sister)
pigment photographic print
9 ¾" x 15"
$2000.00 (edition of 15)
Music Video Love
(from the Television In Our
Culture series)
pigment photographic print
9 ¾" x 15"
$1500.00 (edition of 15)
Twists and Turns In Oakland
(from the Swirly series)
pigment photographic print
16" x 20"
$2000.00 (edition of 15)
(from The Abstracts series)
pigment photographic print
8" x 10"
$1000.00 (edition of 15)
(from The Abstracts series)
pigment photographic print
16" x 20"
$1500.00 (edition of 15)
Tribute to Three Slain Policemen
(from the Portals and Passageways series)
pigment photographic print
12" x 18"
Giacometti Points The Way,
Tate Gallery, London
(from the Art in Our Lives series)
pigment photographic print
9 ¾" x 15"
$1000.00 (edition of 15)
$2000.00 (edition of 15)
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